The Wildly Tasty Blog

  • Wildly Tasty Chicken - Celebrates World Redhead Day

    Where are the Redheads? Less than 2% of the world’s population has red hair.  High concentration of redheads, about 13% are from Scotland.  Ireland...
  • Tips to Understanding Food Labels to be Healthy -"This Chick's Life"

    Vicky Gottschalk, a.k.a. The Chicken Wrangler. You may not know I am Nationally Certified to teach Nutrition, and I taught nutrition for over 20 y...
  • 20 Funny New Year's Eve Quotes - "This Chick's Life"

    20 Funny New Year’s Eve Quotes   1. Stop doom scrolling on Twitter2. Only buy pants with no buttons or zippers.3. Go vegan for 3 months and inevita...
  • Why Choose Pasture Fed Chicken? Free Range-Cage Free-Organic what do the labels really mean.

    Pasture Raised-Free Range-Cage Free

    What do the labels really mean?

    Wildly Tasty Chicken’s are raised outside on pasture.  We have done extensive research to ensure that our chickens live in an environment as close as nature intended. 

    Our chickens are raised in chicken tractors.  Wooden structures with hardware wire walls that allow fresh air, and sunshine 24/7.  The bottom is open allowing our chickens to live on pasture grass.

    The USDA loosened its regulations regarding poultry production in 2017...

  • Take the Fourth Step to a Happy Healthy Life

    Take the Fourth Step to a Happy Healthy Life

    Ego or self-esteem are not always a bad thing.  Society teaches that to boast and seek praise is being prideful and bragging (a sin even).  Philosophers and scientists know that a healthy ego is good.  Recognition from those we associate aids mental health, helps with relationships, and social circles, motivates learning and can be the result of achievement at each of the first three levels...

    Strength of conviction and the freedom of choice can be found at this stage. This is very difficult to get to this level until late in life. Women and Men will circle back to levels three and four multiple times in their life...


  • Chicken is Bad for You

    Chicken is Bad for you.

    You might be surprised that I would say that, since I own Wildly Tasty Chicken. 

    Due to recent loosening of the Chicken regulations 99% of chickens are raised in warehouse facilities.  Chickens are fed only low cost grain, given antibiotics to fight disease, and never go outside, leaving little to no nutrients to be absorbed by the chicken...

    Locally sourced Pasture Raised Chicken is your best best. 

    Wildly Tasty Chickens are raised outside on fresh pasture and only fed high-quality USDA Organic grain.  Our birds are never given hormones, antibiotics or GMO grain...

  • The Wildly Tasty Difference: Why our chickens should be your only choice.

    The Wildly Tasty Chicken Difference

    I started Wildly Tasty Chicken as a business to offer a healthy fresh option to consumers that share this concern.  Our freezer is always full of farm raised meat that never contains hormones or antibiotics. 

    With a family history that includes heart disease, stroke, arthritis, obesity, macular degeneration, cancer and diabetes I knew early on that I needed to fix the way I fed my family to stay healthy.

    Raising Pasture fed Chicken in Michigan is seasonal.  Our chicks arrive 2 days old, hormone and antibiotic free.  Due to Michigan's climate the chicks live in a specially designed Wildly Tasty Chick Shed.  For the first two weeks of life baby chicks need to live in a 80-90 degree environment.  Night time lows can dip to 50 degrees even in the summer in Michigan, so our chicks go outside when they are 3-4 weeks and have developed feathers...

    Read the full story in our blog posting.